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Watermelon Calories And Watermelon For Weight Loss

A red bit of delectable invigorating watermelon is a mystery weight reduction weapon for all the large individuals. Daily inclusion of watermelon in our diet keeps us healthy and fit. When I was struggling to reduce my weight with dieting, this giant fruit helped me a lot. Watermelon Calories are very low, which is superb for weight loss.
 Here in this article Watermelon Calories and watermelon benefits will be discussedWatermelon is as good for our skin as Watermelon For Weight Loss. This article will also discuss Watermelon For Weight Loss.
Watermelon is one of the best fruit that helps us to lose weight. About 90% of watermelon weight is of water. Because of its high water content, it hydrates our bodies. That is why we can't even imagine our summer picnic or party by the pool without this red super juicy fruit. Watermelon can be consumed raw as it is sweet and delicious. It can be a part of fruit salad, juice, sorbet, etc.
Watermelon Calories are as low as it's pricing. So this cheap fruit is a must-have in your diet plan if you are looking to lose weight. It is from the same group as pumpkin, cucumber. This refreshing tasty fruit is packed with water and lots of nutrients. It is also known for its immense health benefits like blood pressure, blood sugar, heart health, etc.

Watermelon for weight loss

Watermelon Calories 

The juicy, red, refreshing fruit contains nearly 90% of water and only a few calories. Lower Watermelon Calories is the reason for the extreme popularity of this fruit among health-conscious people.100 gm of watermelon contains only 30 calories. 
So If we substitute breakfast and evening snack with 100 gm watermelon calorie intake is only 30 calories, no fat, no cholesterol. While 100 gm of mango contains 66 calories with 3% fat,100 gm apple contains 52 calories,100 gm of almond contains a tremendous 581 calories.

Watermelon Nutritional Facts:

Watermelon serving:100 gm

Calories: 30
sodium:       1 mg
Potassium:   112 mg
protein:   0.6 gm
carbs:      8 gm
sugar:      6 gm
Fiber:      1.1 gm
Fat:          0.4 gm
Vitamin A:  11% of the daily required value
Vitamin C:  30% of the daily required value

Watermelon For Weight Loss

As Watermelon Calories is very low it makes it superb for weight loss.100 gm of watermelon contains only 30 calories. If we substitute breakfast and evening snack with 80 gm of watermelon. Then for this, we are consuming 160 gm of watermelon. So the proportional calorie is 48 with no fat, no cholesterol, nearly zero carbs. These can be done easily to reduce weight to a certain extent. Watermelon is full of 90% of water. It makes you feel full for several hours, which in turn lowers the intake of unhealthy snacks. Avoid consuming watermelon at night as it is not good for the digestive system. Also, it increases the rate of the toilet if consumed at night.
But if you are looking for quick weight loss try the watermelon diet described below for 7 days. Keep in mind that continuing this diet for more than 7 days at a stretch may lead to weakness.

Watermelon diet

If you are looking to reduce weight through diet you may try this watermelon diet. The watermelon diet is quite similar to the pineapple diet. The key factor is to flush out all the toxins from our body which increases the metabolism rate.
Here you can consume the only watermelon for 5-7 days at a stretch. And there is the rule for consumption. You may consume 1 kg of watermelon at a max of 10 kg body weight. It means if someone weighs 50 kg he can intake a maximum of 5 kg of watermelon.
There is a caution
Watermelon is a very low-calorie fruit and contains very few nutritional benefits. It has a poor quantity of dietary fiber. So relying on this diet for more than 7 days may be harmful to our health system.

Watermelon Health Benefits

1.Flush toxins:
Watermelon contains 90% of water. So it assists with flushing out the poisons from our body. This is additionally useful for our kidney well being.

2.Heart Friendly:
Watermelon is rich in lycopene contain. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps to keep good heart health. Lycopene is helpful in repairing cell damages thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks. This red fruit is also rich in Potassium and vitamin C which helps to reduce cholesterol.

3.Skin And Hair Benefits:

As we know already watermelon contains vitamin A and vitamin C.These vitamins help for collagen formation. That enhances the health of skin and hair.

4.Anti Cancer:
The antioxidant Lycopene is helpful to repair cell damages. Lycopene is only available in the red fleshy type of watermelon. It is extremely beneficial for cancer prevention especially prostate cancer.

5.Lowers High Blood Pressure:
Lycopene together with potassium lowers high blood pressure. So consume more watermelon to keep your blood pressure in the normal range.

Apart from the above mentioned health benefits watermelon has immense benefits.It is refreshing in summer,good for hydration,anti ageing.It gives us healthy bone,hair and glowing skin.
Hope this article will help you to know exact calorie of this brilliant red fruit.I tried hard to help you know how to lose weight with watermelon..Also read  Can Yoga Help Lose Weight and hold the hand of yoga to reduce weight with yoga.Stay slim and fit.

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